DevFest Nantes 2019 - Règle les balances

Règle les balances

Publication du programme

Vous l’attendiez, le voilà enfin ! Le programme du DevFest Nantes 2019 est disponible ici : 🎶 L’homme pressé - Noir Désir 🎶

Sachez que cette année, le DevFest Nantes 2019 c’est :

  • 93 Speakers
  • 70 Sessions
    • 40 Conférences
    • 16 Quickies
    • 12 Codelabs
    • 2 Keynotes
    • 30% du contenu en Anglais et le reste en Français
    • 1 zone de rediffusion pour la plus petite salle ;)
  • 1 After-Party sponsorisée
  • 2000 participants par jour

Retrouvez la liste complète des conférenciers et conférencières à l’adresse suivante :

Annonces speakeuses/speakers

Voici quelques unes/uns de nos top speakeuses/speakers de ce DevFest 2019 ! 🎶 Run Run Run – Shaka Ponk 🎶

Frédéric Harper
Frédéric Harper : As a senior developer advocate at DigitalOcean, Frédéric helps startups find success in the cloud and get the most out of our Hatch program. Fred has shared his passion for technology on the stage at over 150 events around the world. He’s served the communities at npm, Mozilla, Microsoft, and Fitbit, and is the author of the book “Success in Programming – How to Gain Recognition, Power, and Influence Through Personal Branding” at Apress. Behind this extrovert is a very passionate individual who believes in the power of communication… and cat videos.

Kenneth Rohde Vhristiansen
Kenneth Rohde Vhristiansen : He is a Danish software engineer and architect, specialized in mobile and web technology. Working at Intel out of Copenhagen, Kenneth helps define Intel’s strategy and plans regarding the Web Platform, as well as puts it into action. Before joining Intel, Kenneth was employed by Nokia (Denmark and Brazil) where he worked on the Nokia N9 web browser, Qt, WebKit, as well as many other mobile projects. Kenneth is an elected member of the W3C Technical Architect Group (TAG).